"Wuxia culture is like another dimension that provides us with strong emotion, strong passion. I have always been a fan of Wuxia movies. They give us a refreshed view of what we had before, of the values and of the way we looked at life."
- Tsui Hark
The beauty of events like the New York Asian Film Festival is that they offer the viewer a chance to engage with a filmmaker's work in a more organic way. Allowing those with a clear passion for “these types of films” to meet, discuss, and admire them in an environment that not only celebrates genre filmmaking at its finest, but on rare, fortuitous occasions, even attracts directors to make the long sojourn to The Big Apple to present their films and talk about them with fans. This year, in honor of the festival’s ten year anniversary, Subway Cinema presented, within the span of a very densely scheduled three day weekend, a mini-retrospective of Tsui Hark’s films culminating in the Hong Kong filmmaker receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award for his entire body of work to date. Though the festival only showed a smattering of Hark's oeuvre, the director has worked consistently since the late '70s, racking up a filmography of almost sixty films which he has either been producer, director, writer, and even actor. The four films screened at the festival perfectly encapsulate why audiences have been coming to the movies since the days of Edison and the Lumiere Brothers, basically to travel to distant, possibly imaginary, worlds without having to leave the comfort of our climate controlled caves.
Tsui was born in Vietnam in 1951, spent his teenage years in Hong Kong, and then immigrated to the United States for college. His cosmopolitan and transitory upbringing had a clear influence on the type of stories he wanted to tell. The four films shown at NYAFF starting with Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain (1983), New Dragon Gate Inn (1992), The Blade (1995) and finally culminating in the U.S. premiere of Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame (2010) are structured around a quest narrative. It should be no surprise for Harkophiles, but Tsui’s dream project has always been transposing Wu Cheng’en’s novel Journey to the West for the big screen.

Ultimately, what is important in Tsui's film is not so much the completion of the quest, but rather grounding the viewer in the realm of the jianghu, where history and legend stand side by side. Tsui supplants the inherent brutality of that era, one of of great civil strife, with white eye-browed wizards and warrior priestesses doing battle with ghoulish warlocks and fiery specters. And although well-stocked with mini-adventures to entertain the audience the comic interplay between the cast of characters trapped in a fantasy world of Tsui's creation is what elevates it from just being mindless entertainment. We may root for our heroes to win and even squirm when they get injured, but they are also human, suffering from commonplace foibles like love, fear, and anger. During one of the post-screening Q&A sessions, Tsui admitted to a great admiration and love for the work of Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa and it is not such a leap to state that all the Tsui Hark films screened at the NYAFF espouse a very Kurosawan philosophy. These epic gorgeously shot films are focused mainly on stories about individuals trying to be heroes at the cost of their own humanity. By the end of the film Ti Ming-Chi has transformed from a cowardly fool to a muscle shirt-wearing man’s man, of course this transformation was paid for by a trail of death and destruction, illustrating the common thread that ties all Harkian protagonists: those who take up the sword to fight are doomed to end up as lone travelers with nothing but their blades to keep them company.

Instead of a simplistic white hats versus black hats battle though The Blade belongs to that wonderfully cathartic sub-genre of macho-cinema, the revenge flick. Ding On was orphaned as a baby when his father was viciously killed by tattooed assassin Fei Lung, played by Xin Xin Xiong, leaving behind his broken Dao for his grown-up son to inherit, master, and use to exact righteous vengeance. Of course, like all heroes, On doesn’t start kicking ass until much later in the picture. He does the dance of all wuxia heroes: seeing an injustice being committed, a monk savagely beaten, On is infuriated but does nothing except seethe with anger until he, himself, is a victim of violence. Nursed back to health by an illiterate farm girl, he spends an inordinate amount of time meditating and training until eventually he lets go of his anger which, in turn, prompts his rebirth as a warrior. In conjunction with the code of xia he systematically practices his new skills by defeating horde after horde of barbarian bandits until ultimately confronting his true enemy, his father’s killer, so the circle of violence can be completed. Though the wuxia genre is greatly influenced by Buddhist tenets, simpler "an eye for an eye" retributive philosophy trumps these high-minded ideals in The Blade.

This article is part one of a two part series on Tsui Hark. Part two is available here. Also, check out our audio interview with Tsui Hark himself!
(Originally published on August 17, 2011 at VCinema Show Podcast and Blog.)
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